mardi 20 décembre 2016

Max Beckmann - Frau mit Mandoline in Gelb und Rot 1950

Max Beckmann 1884(Leipzig)-1950(New York) ( 66  ans )

 Max Beckmann - Frau mit Mandoline in Gelb und Rot 1950

Ol auf Leinwand 92 x 140 cm

 Max Beckmann Schlafende am Strand (Quappi at the Beach) (1927& 1950) 
Estimate: £800,000-1,200,000

Schlafende am Strand was inspired by Beckmann’s visit to Rimini 
on the Adriatic coast of Italy, where he spent the summer of 1927
 with his wife Quappi. Both

 the initial sketch 

and the painting remained first in the artist’s and then in Quappi’s possession
 until the end of her life, the drawing now forming part of the collection of Museum 
der Bildenden Künste in Leipzig. Quappi, who often featured 
as a model in Beckmann’s works, is depicted as an image of beauty and youth.
The sense of simplicity and joie de vivre is palpable as the artist centres 
his attention on depicting the simple pleasure of lying on a sunny beach.

 Max Beckmann - la table du petit déjeuner 1934
huile sur toile 40 x 100 cm 

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