jeudi 27 mars 2014

Sir Joshua Reynolds - autoportrait

Sir Joshua Reynolds 1723-1792

 Sir Joshua Reynolds - autoportrait,1747-1749

Sir Joshua Reynolds - autoportrait,1747-1749
huile sur toile

Reynolds was the first President of the Royal Academy and Britain's leading portrait painter. In his attempt to raise the status of portraiture, he created the 'Grand Manner' which borrowed from classical antiquity and the Old Masters to fill his portraits with moral and heroic symbolism. An incredible socialite, social climber and self-promoter, Reynolds used his contacts to advance himself. Appointed President of the newly established Royal Academy in 1768, his annual lectures - or Discourses on Art - had a lasting impact on the contemporary theory of art and practice. 

lundi 24 mars 2014

Edward Hopper - Nighthawks ou les oiseaux de nuit

Edward Hopper 1882-1967

 Edward Hopper - Nighthawks ou les oiseaux de nuit,1942.

Edward Hopper - Nighthawks ou les oiseaux de nuit,1942.
huile sur toile -84 x 152 cm

Edward Hopper said that Nighthawks was inspired by “a restaurant on New York’s Greenwich Avenue where two streets meet,” but the image—with its carefully constructed composition and lack of narrative—has a timeless, universal quality that transcends its particular locale. One of the best-known images of twentieth-century art, the painting depicts an all-night diner in which three customers, all lost in their own thoughts, have congregated. Hopper’s understanding of the expressive possibilities of light playing on simplified shapes gives the painting its beauty. Fluorescent lights had just come into use in the early 1940s, and the all-night diner emits an eerie glow, like a beacon on the dark street corner. Hopper eliminated any reference to an entrance, and the viewer, drawn to the light, is shut out from the scene by a seamless wedge of glass. The four anonymous and uncommunicative night owls seem as separate and remote from the viewer as they are from one another. (The red-haired woman was actually modeled by the artist’s wife, Jo.) Hopper denied that he purposefully infused this or any other of his paintings with symbols of human isolation and urban emptiness, but he acknowledged that in Nighthawks “unconsciously, probably, I was painting the loneliness of a large city.”

samedi 22 mars 2014

Francisco de Zurbarán

Francisco de Zurbarán 1598-1664

Zurbaran - Still-Life with Plate of Apples and Orange Blossom. circa 1640

Zurbaran - Still-Life with Plate of Apples and Orange Blossom. circa 1640

juan ou Francisco ?

vendredi 14 mars 2014

Oskar Kokoschka - Courmayeur et les dents des géants

Oskar Kokoschka 1886-1980 93 ans

Oskar Kokoschka - Courmayeur et les dents des géants,1927.
huile sur toile - 90 x 132 cm

en savoir plus:

Max Beckmann - Le Départ

Max Beckman 1884 -1950 66 ans

 Max Beckmann - Departure,1932-1935.

Max Beckmann - Departure,1932-1935.
Huile sur toile - 3 panneaux
MoMA, New York

Although Beckmann denied that Departure carried any specific political content, the painting has come to be seen as one of the emblematic artistic responses to Hitler’s Germany. It was begun at the time that the Nazis fired Beckmann from his professorship at the Frankfurt Art Academy, and presages his forced emigration.Departure is the first of Beckmann’s several major paintings in the form of a triptych, a three-part format that recalls medieval or Renaissance altarpieces. Indeed, the elaborate narrative juxtaposes scenes of sin and salvation, but what makes the painting modern is the deliberate ambiguity of its iconography. When the New York City art dealer who bought the painting in 1937 wrote to Beckmann to say that his visitors wanted specific explanations of the images, the artist replied that if that were essential he should "take the picture away or send it back."

d'autres oeuvres de Beckmann:   Afternoon,1946   La tentation de Saint Antoine,1937

jeudi 13 mars 2014

Henri Cartier-Bresson

Henri Cartier-Bresson 1908-2004

Avec Robert Capa, David Seymour, William Vandivert et George Rodger,
 il fonde en 1947 la célèbre agence coopérative Magnum Photos.

Henri Cartier-Bresson - Au bord de la Marne.

Henri Cartier-Bresson - Boulevard Diderot,1968.

mercredi 12 mars 2014

Lucian Freud - Portraits

Lucian Freud 1922-2011   88 ans

Lucien Freud - Hotel Bedroom,1954.

Head of a woman (Portrait of Lady Elizabeth Cavendish) - Lucian Freud,1950.

Lucian Freud - woman smiling,1959.

Lucian Freud

Lucian Freud 1922-2011 88 ans

Lucian Freud Portraits

 Lucian Freud - girl in a dark jacket,1947.

Lucian Freud - girl in a dark jacket,1947.

 Lucian Freud - girl with roses,1948.

Lucian Freud - girl with roses,1948.

samedi 8 mars 2014

Eugène Boudin - marée montante à Deauville

Eugène Boudin 1824-1898 74 ans

 Eugène Boudin - marée montante à Deauville

Eugène Boudin - marée montante à Deauville

Bathing time at Deauville
Eugène Boudin, 1864
Huile sur bois 34.7 x 57.5 cm 
Washington, National Gallery of Art

vendredi 7 mars 2014

jeudi 6 mars 2014

lundi 3 mars 2014

Le Maître des Portraits Baroncelli

Le Maître des Portraits Baroncelli 

 maître anonyme belge actif vers 1490-1500, à Bruges.

Portrait de Pierantonio Baroncelli et de son épouse Maria Bonciani
diptyque, huile sur bois, deux panneaux de 56 × 31 cm, 

Ce maître est probablement un élève de Hans Memling1. Son nom est issu de portraits de plusieurs membres de la famille Baroncelli, actifs à Bruges en tant que représentants desPazzi, puis de la Banque des Médicis.

Paul Sérusier - La barrière

Paul Sérusier 1864-1927

 Paul Sérusier - La barrière,1890.

Paul Sérusier - La barrière,1890.
Musée d'Orsay